Exploring AI’s Ethical Implications in Journalism: A Sports Illustrated Case Study & GPT-3’s Role in Newsroom Content Generation!

The Journey
4 min readNov 29, 2023
Graphics Credits: Nieman Lab

Hey… Hey…! AI has been around and, willingly or unwillingly, it’s been woven into our mundane lives. A few days back, for some reason, I wasn’t able to access ChatGPT. I waited for the services to become functional again but didn’t resort to Google. I’ve lost touch with Google; I can’t process too many links for one search.

Then GPT was back up, and I chatted with it for a while! LOL.

The most talked about issue with AI is ethics! We want AI to be ethical, but we often forget that AI doesn’t create itself; it’s trained on real-world data.

Let me remind y’all; people are often selfish and not always ethical.

Recently, there’s been an increase in AI usage in journalism.

Yep, the daily dose of the real world can now be supplemented with AI.

The Rise of AI in Journalism: A Concerning Trend

Recent developments at Sports Illustrated have brought to light the ethical implications of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in journalism. The magazine, once revered for its high-quality sports journalism, found itself embroiled in controversy after it was revealed that AI-generated articles, under fictitious bylines, were published on its website.

The Discovery and Backlash

The issue came to the fore when Futurism reported that Sports Illustrated had been producing consumer product reviews using AI, attributing them to non-existent writers. The fallout was immediate and severe, with staff members expressing their outrage at an all-hands meeting.

The concern was not just about the AI involvement but also about the apparent attempt to mask this usage behind fake bylines.

The Arena Group’s Defense

The Arena Group, which owns Sports Illustrated, initially disputed the claims, stating that the articles were written by humans from a third-party company, AdVon Commerce, and only the authors’ names and bios were AI-generated. However, this explanation did little to quell the discontent among the staff.

Broader Implications for Journalism

This incident at Sports Illustrated is not isolated. Similar issues arose with USA Today, hinting at a growing trend of AI use in journalism. This raises pressing questions about the role of AI in this field, the ethics behind its use, and how it might replace human work.

The Future of AI in Journalism

As the media industry grapples with these challenges, the focus shifts to finding a balance between leveraging AI for efficiency and maintaining journalistic integrity and transparency. The Sports Illustrated case serves as a cautionary tale and a catalyst for a much-needed industry-wide conversation on the ethical use of AI in journalism.

Coding Example: AI for Ethical Content Generation

Let’s consider a coding example where AI is used ethically for content generation. We’ll use Python and the GPT-3 API from OpenAI to create a script that generates news summaries. GPT-3 is a powerful language model known for its ability to generate human-like text.

Note: To use this example, you need access to OpenAI’s GPT-3 API.

import openai

def generate_news_summary(news_article, max_length=150):
Generates a summary for a given news article using GPT-3.

:param news_article: A string containing the news article to summarize.
:param max_length: The maximum length of the summary.
:return: A string containing the summary of the article.

prompt = f"Summarize the following news article in {max_length} words:\n\n{news_article}"

response = openai.Completion.create(
engine="davinci", # GPT-3's most capable model
temperature=0.7, # Controls the randomness of the output
n=1, # Number of completions to generate
stop=None # Token that signifies the end of a completion

summary = response.choices[0].text.strip()
return summary

# Example Usage
news_article = """
[Insert a long news article text here]


  • We define a function generate_news_summary that takes a news article as input and returns a summary.
  • The GPT-3 API is called with a prompt to summarize the article.
  • We specify parameters like max_tokens to control the summary's length and temperature to adjust the creativity of the response.

Ethical Considerations

  • Transparency: Clearly disclose that the content is AI-generated.
  • Accuracy: Regularly review and verify the AI-generated content for factual accuracy.
  • Human Oversight: Implement human oversight to ensure content quality and ethical standards.

This example demonstrates a responsible and transparent use of AI in journalism, aligning with ethical guidelines while leveraging AI’s efficiency.

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